Annual Reports

MARCH 2022 - FEBRUARY 2023

In a country like South Africa, hurled from one crisis to another, it’s crucial that local NGOs learn to reflect often, adapt and evolve, constantly listening to the voices of beneficiaries and activists on the ground and intentionally pursuing relevancy and sustainable impact. Our work at AMP does not exist in a vacuum but within an incredibly volatile and increasingly hostile landscape. This last year has not been a good one for South Africa and vulnerable groups, such as refugees and migrants often bear the brunt. Despite drastic funding cuts experienced by AMP, we sought to tackle the challenges mentioned above with a targeted and cross cutting approach. All of our programmes for the year addressed more than one of the issues directly, trying to ensure a response to real needs on the ground while consistently developing and building capacity in our beneficiaries to not only survive but thrive with hope and dignity.

MARCH 2021 - FEBRUARY 2022

The last year was not an easy one for AMP clients and staff as the economy continued to spiral downwards in the aftermath of continued lockdowns and loss of life, power outages and the growing number of anti-foreigner movements such as Dudula. Thousands of undocumented asylum seekers as well as those with expired documents were locked out of a system that should have offered them safety and refuge and a quarter of a million Zimbabweans that have made this country their home for more than 10 years face an uncertain future as their ZEP permits are no longer renewable. Despite these challenges, and funding cuts, AMP is extremely grateful to all our wonderful partners, donors and supporters. As we receive heart-warming testimonies from clients across our programmes, we feel the solid weight of the impact of AMP’s staff, supporters and volunteers over 15 years of serving and loving refugees and migrants. Adonis Musati is looking down and smiling as his legacy lives on.

MARCH 2020 - FEBRUARY 2021

No one could have predicted the devastation and suffering that would emerge from the pandemic but if this year has taught us anything it is that people everywhere in a show of extraordinary solidarity united to face this common enemy, arm to arm linked together to shelter the poor, commune with the isolated and comfort the sick and afraid.  This report bears testimony to the length and breadth of human courage and goodwill. AMP was privileged to partner with so many incredible organisations and people over the course of the year, to learn from each one of them humbled by their dedication and commitment to meet the needs of the vulnerable.

MARCH 2019 - FEBRUARY 2020

2019 reminded us as an organisation that despite ones well thought out programmes and plans, when crisis hits, as it did in the last quarter with new outbreaks of xenophobia, it is so Important to be able to regroup and replan in order to address the needs most relevant to people as they unfold. They say there is strength in unity and this was certainly true for 2019 as civil society and community organisations rallied together with AMP to fight the scourge of discrimination. AMP developed new projects such as crisis training, trauma groups and our youth for Peace social cohesion events as vital responses to the wave of violence in communities.

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MARCH 2018 - FEBRUARY 2019

This was a year of tremendous growth for AMP as we developed new partnerships and expanded our services to try and fill just a few of the many gaps in service that refugees and migrants face every day in South Africa. At a time of great uncertainty and tension, AMP strives to provide safe spaces for development, growth and healing. Some of our new programmes, which we have steadily grown, include our community English classes, the community support programme, and a new project in partnership with the Department of Social Development’s (DSD) Victim Empowerment initiative.


This year saw AMP expand the peer support programme to reach more people and new areas. The last year has been extremely challenging as the political and social landscape continues to exacerbate the difficulties faced by AMP’s beneficiaries. However, we have continued with our mission to encourage, equip and empower - bringing hope and new skills to those who need it.

March 2015-February 2016

This year has been directed at consolidating our pioneering peer counselling programme and refining our objectives through the evaluation of needs and obstacles experienced by our beneficiaries. Our role continues to be one of empowering and increasing resilience through education and facilitating access to resources and support networks. 

MARCH 2014–FEBruary 2015 

Was it really only 7 years ago that we – a group of enthusiastic volunteers – were sitting around Gahlia’s dining room table amidst packets of second hand clothes, piles of CVs and with the aroma of enormous hearty pots of stew due to be taken to the Home Affairs queue, planning how we would feed, clothe, house, employ and provide schooling for the thousands of asylum seekers flocking in to Cape Town, and their families? We agreed that every cent we could raise would be used for such endeavors and that we would facilitate all of this with no staff and from our homes!

MARCH 2013–FEBruary 2014 

The last year has been a remarkable one for AMP. Since the launch of our Peer Support Group Programme in April 2013, AMP has flourished in its service delivery, reaching and benefiting close to 250 refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the programme’s first year of operation. The year has also seen our new model of scaleable and innovative, community-based support being evaluated, adapted and redefined. 

March 2012–February 2013  

2012 was a year of careful evaluation, aggressive research and forward thrust for AMP. Although we came across a fair amount of information on documented work with refugees and asylum seekers worldwide, there is still much uncharted territory in this field in Southern Africa. With five years’ experience under our belts – involving mostly on-the-ground work – we took a long and hard look at the assistance we had been able to give our clients up to that point. 

March 2011–February 2012

With volunteer burnout being a harsh reality, and long-term sustainability being our goal, adequate and efficient staffing was our top priority objective for AMP for the 2011/2012 year. Whilst we had top quality and dedicated staff members, there was an obvious need for an overall co-ordinator of both staff and projects. We can already report much higher staff output and efficiency, more focused activity and better developed project protocols, and are in turn able to deliver a better service to our clients.